
Hello Lovely.

Welp, here it is. My first monthly journal and I am incredibly excited to be sharing it with you. All of you who are reading this, I hope resonated with my desire to create slower, with more purpose and I can’t begin to express how much that means. Here’s the “why” to why I am doing this. I am an incredibly private and introverted human being, and Instagram has been really hard for me to just open up and share. To share the details and things that we all thrive on and want to know, but I just can’t seem to get a hang of it. Most likely it has to do with the quick consumption, on-to-the-next pace, I just can’t seem to thrive in it right now. But this, I can. I find them to be slower, approachable, and something that can be consumed more than once.

Here is reason two. I, like many of you, have spent these last 10 months in the same space, with the same person (or people if you’re a part of a larger family), and I am in dire need of human connection with someone other than my person. I want to create and share, but to do that I need a community. I want to create community, and to do that I have to be vulnerable. So, this is me being vulnerable and creating for me, and sharing it with you.

What will be in these monthly journals?

Monthly mood boards. Life happenings. A monthly playlist. My favorite things that I have stumbled on or have been using and think you would like too. A monthly mantra/dream/goal/mood tracker card to download (I’m really excited about this one!). Also, a screen saver for your computer and phone background for you to save and use focusing on the monthly theme.


January has come and almost gone, and it’s been a world-wind. We all know what has been going on in the world, and it has left me feeling a little emotionally exhausted. I also started an internship, in my thirties, and have been feeling a little…out of sorts. Low on confidence. Scared of what the future holds for my brand and me. Yes, all of those are correct. So these past couple of weeks I have set out to find the magic in me.

To build my confidence, willpower (boy has that been depleted, thank you COVID), and just put a little pep in my step to help combat the fear that comes with growth. The first thing for me is to set the mood, as it helps me feel inspired. Two things I love to create are moodtrackers and playlists, and I’ve shared them with you below.


These past two years I have been focusing on my what it means to be an artist, creator, designer, and person really. I have been growing into my own, and it’s been wonderful discovering my style, the things I like and don’t, setting up my home and studio space. I have been discovering new imagery and accounts to follow that inspire me, such as Alexis Christodoulou @teaaalexis who creates these most beautiful digital spaces. Or the clothing and imagery from Cecile Banshen @ceciliebahnsen that makes me want to sit in a park, in one of her creations, feeling really pretty and living the c'est la vie moment of life. I have enjoyed searching for images and listening to music that just inspires me, fills my soul, and expands my imagination.


I’ve built this playlist to recognize where I am personally at some days, then builds me up, and ends with songs that acknowledge the beauty in the everyday.

Amal’s Listening Tip:

Listen to the playlist in the morning, when you’re getting ready or drinking your coffee instead of scrolling on a certain app. No matter how you play the songs, be it in order or shuffle, end your AM-listening session with Bill Withers Lovely Day. I promise you’ll be singing “lovely day, lovely day” all day with a smile on your face.


At the beginning of the year, I created a year goal tracker to help me get my dreams/goals, and habits in one place to see and try and achieve them. I have never created or followed a list, but since I have been lacking in willpower, I thought why not try something new?

Well, I am still struggling. So I created a little printable inspiration/motivation card to help me track the things I want to accomplish. Inspired by my moodboard cards that I am always asked about, I thought why not create one that you can have as well? One side has this month’s reminder designed on it, and the other has a side to fill out.

The cards are really easy to use. Just print, cut, and fold. For the mood tracking section, assign a color to each mood. Each day, color in the mood (s) you feeling that day. This small action is a great way of staying in touch with myself and knowing how I am doing mentally. Also it’s a great way of reminding myself that my life is fulfilling.


A Little DIY Valentine


New Year, New Look.