New Year, New Look.

Why the name change?

Too often, I have found that women of color are encouraged to assimilate and remove any part of them that is deemed “ethnic”. Many of us, myself included, have been encouraged to lighten our skin, straighten our hair, or simplify the pronunciation of our name. Anything that will bring us closer to seeming “white” or “European”.

This past fall, after much reflection within myself, I realized that the best way, the only way, to present my work was under my own name. Having had the honor to create logos for many talented women, and the logo for Ohmeed, for some reason I had trouble seeing myself and creating a logo that I felt truly represented me.


Being a huge fan girl for Wilde House Paper. I knew that I had to at least reach out and inquire to see if they would take me on as a client. When Megan Heddigner, the Founder and Creative Director of Wilde House emailed me back saying they would happily take on my project, I was ecstatic!


Images sourced by Wilde House Paper for Amal Iqbal.

The Branding

Using the inspiration images that they sourced, along with thoughtful questions that encouraged me to think deep, Wilde House Paper created this beautiful branding for me that I am just so honored to call mine. They captured my heartfelt desire to share authentically with my given name, and saw so much more in me, all which I look forward to unfolding and sharing with you lovelies.

